Types of Animation System
It is an article from the book Computer Graphics:A Practical Approach, Concepts, Principles, Case Studies, Experiments (For B E/BTech, BCA & MCA Courses by Rajiv Chopra and he has written a very good contents about types of animation system and the it is a high level book which you will be get in ur B.Tech in Animation and here he has written that the types of animation system.
Scripting System
Scripting Systems is the earliest type of motion control systems. The animator writes a script in the animation language. Thus, the user must learn this language and the system is not interactive. One scripting system is ASAS (Actor Script Animation Language), which has syntax similar to LISP. ASAS introduced the concept of an actor, i.e., a complex object which has its own animation rules. For example, in animating a bicycle, the wheels will rotate in their own coordinate system and the animator doesn’t have to worry about this detail. Actors can communicate with other actors be sending messages and so can synchronize their movements. This is similar to the behavior of objects in object-oriented languages.
Procedural Animation
Representational Animation
This technique allows an object to change its shape during the animation. There are three subcategories to this. The first is the animation of articulated objects, i.e., complex objects composed of connected rigid segments. The second is soft object animation used for deforming and animating the deformation of objects, e.g. skin over a body or facial muscles. The third is morphing which is the changing of one shape into another quite different shape. This can be done in two or three dimensions.
Stochastic Animation
This uses stochastic processes to control groups of objects, such as in particle systems. Examples are fireworks, fire, waterfalls, etc.
Behavioral Animation
Objects or “actors” are given rules about how they react to their environment. Examples are schools of fish or flocks of birds where each individual behaves according to a set of rules defined by the animator.
Moving Images
Film animators act out movements before they start drawing to get the timing correct for animation shots. They need to know how many seconds each move takes, and then they can work out how many drawings are needed. On film there are 24 frames per second. So if it takes 4 seconds to lift a cup of tea and take a sip from it then it will require 96 drawings. Each drawing is shot twice so that cuts it down to 48 drawings. Then the start and end of the movement might be a hold (no movement at all) so that will cut out a few more drawings.